Five Essential Tips for Organizing Your Kids’ Toys
As one of the top providers of home cleaning in Frisco, TX, we often hear some version of this sentiment: “Thank you for organizing my kids’ toys! I just wish I knew how to keep things this neat all the time.”
While there isn’t necessarily any kind of everyday cleaning system that can replace hiring a professional maid service for home cleaning in Frisco, TX, there are certainly steps you can take to beat the mess without using all your time and energy. When it comes to kids’ toys in particular, it’s all about strategy. Here are five essential tips for keeping your children’s belongings organized:
- Containers are your friend: Let’s start with the basics—there’s a reason toy chests are a classic staple of any kid’s room. Modern versions of this include plastic and cloth containers, in every size, shape and color you can imagine. Rather than expecting your kid to neatly organize every last toy, let them toss them all in a hardy container and call it a day.
- The cycle system: You probably have noticed that one week your kid is obsessed with building things out of LEGOs, and the next week she can’t put down her remote-controlled car. Kids have passing interests, and there’s no need to keep your home cluttered with all the toys they currently don’t care about. Have a designated space in your garage, attic or other storage area for discarded toys, and cycle through the available options each week to keep your kids engaged.
- Shelve the stuffed animals: Sometimes kids can develop an emotional attachment to toys—especially with stuffed animals—and they won’t want to hide them away in a container overnight. If your child has too many stuffed animals to fit on his bed at night, consider designating a special shelf just for his little critters. That way, he can still see his friends, and they won’t be cluttering up the floor or the bed.
- Find clarity: As anyone with experience in home cleaning in Frisco, TX, can tell you, sometimes the simplest things can make cleaning so much easier. We’ve already mentioned the value that containers can add to your life, but if you want to take the simplicity one step further, consider clear containers. That way, you can see what’s inside each one, and your kid won’t dump out an entire box to find a toy that isn’t even inside of it.
- Use labels: Once your kid gets to be four or five years old, they will learn how to read and follow simple directions. At this point, you may want to label the different containers and areas in their room, so that they can easily know where to put which toys. The labels will help you clean and find things as well!
When it comes to organizing kids’ toys, a few simple steps can make things a lot easier. But for hurdles you simply can’t handle on your own, consider hiring a maid service for home cleaning in Frisco, TX. Scrubs Home Cleaning is here to help—get in touch today to learn more!
Categorised in: Home Cleaning