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Reasons to Consider Professional Cleaning Service When Moving Out

May 26, 2020

If you want to have any hope of recovering your security deposit, or get a great price selling your home when you move out, you should be prepared to thoroughly clean your old place before you go. However, the hassle of moving is time-consuming, exhausting and stressful. Instead of trying to do it all yourself, consider hiring a professional cleaning service in Frisco, TX to help you out. Professional cleaners will be able to do a better job than the average person, and it will greatly reduce your workload. Here’s why hiring the pros is the way to go: Get... View Article

What Are the Top Benefits of Keeping Your Home Clean?

May 12, 2020

Keeping your home clean is a never-ending task, especially when you live with pets or children. If you finish doing the dishes just to turn around and realize the floor hasn’t been swept in a month and the windows are looking spotty, you’re not alone. It’s tempting to just let it go a little longer, and then a little more, until your junk drawers and storage closets look like they’re auditioning for the next season of Hoarders. If that sounds familiar, hiring local house cleaners in Frisco, TX can take the burden of house cleaning off your shoulders. You’ll be... View Article

Five Tips for Proper Handwashing

April 24, 2020

Home cleanliness practices in Frisco, TX during the ongoing pandemic must include proper handwashing technique. Of all the sanitary practices available, handwashing is the best way to control the spread of COVID-19, and was essential before that to limit illnesses like the flu. Here are five tips on proper handwashing: Know how germs spread: If you understand how germs spread, it is easier to practice regular handwashing and explain its importance. People become sick when they touch contaminated surfaces and then eat, prepare food or touch their mouth, eyes or nose with unwashed hands. Coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose... View Article

Avoid Germ Spread at Home

April 10, 2020

It’s impossible to remove all germs from your home, but it’s feasible to at least reduce them and maintain a healthy indoor environment. Home cleaning is not the only element in this endeavor, and there are other precautions you can take to ensure you mostly germ-proof your home in Frisco, TX. Here are six tips to reduce the impact of germs and create a healthier home: Disinfect surfaces: Most flu, cold and norovirus germs thrive on solid surfaces. Use a disinfectant spray or wipes to keep these surfaces clean and germ-free. This is often an easy cleaning procedure that rarely... View Article

How Opening Your Home’s Windows Could Improve Your Life

March 31, 2020

Now that the long months of winter are finally starting to move on and the frost is beginning to thaw, it’s time to pull back the curtains and throw open the windows in your home. Not only is it wonderful to feel the sunshine on your face and let a gentle springtime breeze blow through your house, but there are several more significant fresh air benefits in Frisco, TX. Here are some of the most common. How polluted is my home? A lot of homeowners don’t realize that the air inside their homes has much more impurities than the air... View Article

Scrubs Home Cleaning